Autism Spectrum Disorder

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)



Different people prefer different terms to refer to Autism Spectrum Disorder. This can include terms such as: Person who is Autistic, Person who has Autism, Autistic person, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autism Spectrum Condition, Asperger Syndrome, on the spectrum, and Neuro-divergent. You or your child may have a preference or you might have different preferences over time.

Around 1.1% of the UK population (which is more than 1 in 100 people) are thought to have an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis. The number of people being diagnosed with ASD seems to be increasing, perhaps because more people recognise the diagnosis and seek assessment. There is no single known cause of ASD, but we know that: 

  • Genetic factors are thought to be the most significant cause of ASD. Some genetic conditions are associated with ASD (e.g. Fragile X Syndrome). 

  • Children with difficult birth histories (e.g. hypoxia during childbirth, or low birth-weight) are more likely to be on the spectrum. However, it is uncertain whether these factors cause a child to develop ASD, or whether ASD can cause difficult birth histories.

  • Whilst extremely severe neglect can be associated with children who demonstrate features of ASD, ASD is not caused by 'bad' parenting. 

  • There is no evidence that vaccinations (e.g. the MMR) cause ASD. The one piece of research to suggest a link between vaccines and ASD has been widely discredited. Further research has shown no link between vaccines and ASD.

  • ASD is pervasive. This means that it is a lifelong condition, that affects many areas of a child’s development. Whilst there is no known cure for ASD, there are interventions that can help children to develop skills and reduce some of the difficulties associated with ASD and improve their quality of life. 


What is ASD?


ASD is characterised by differences in Social Communication and Interaction, and Behaviours and Interests

Social Communication and Interaction
People on the spectrum may have different ways of expressing themselves both verbally (what they say) and nonverbally (facial expressions, eye contact, and body language). They may show differences in how they interact with other people, such as how they show interest in other people’s experiences and interests and how they recognise and respond to other people’s emotions. They also may find social situations and forming friendships difficult.

Behaviours and Interests
People on the spectrum may have a strong need for structure and routine, and may find changes to these routines challenging. They may be detail-focused and have differences in their imagination and how they think about the future. People who are Autistic may also repeat certain movements such as hand flapping, spinning, or rocking, or repeat certain words or phrases. This might be enjoyable for them, or help them to feel calm if they are stressed or anxious.

Many people who are Autistic also show sensory sensitivities or interests. This means that they may find particular sensations (e.g. loud noises, strong smells, certain textures) overwhelming, and/or they may enjoy particular sensations (e.g. the feel of a particular item of clothing, or watching something spin). 

Having differences in these areas may not mean a child or young person is on the spectrum, as there may be other reasons for these differences. It should also be remembered that all children and young people with ASD are different. Some children and young people have a learning disability as well as ASD, whilst some children and young people with ASD do not have a learning disability.


What can you do as a parent/carer?


There are lots of things that parents and professionals can do to support children and young people who are Autistic, and to help them to cope with difficulties they might experience:


Children/young people who are Autistic can find relating to other people, and understanding their thoughts and feelings, very difficult. Parents and people around the child or young person can help by: 

  • Recognising these difficulties.

  • Teaching the child/young person ‘social rules’ such as saying ‘hello’ or shaking someone’s hand, asking how they are, taking turns etc. 

  • Teaching the child/young person about feelings. This may include pictures, role-play, video and stories. 

Some children and young people who are Autistic show very little interest in interacting with other people. Approaches such as intensive interaction (interacting with the child at their ‘level’, involving their sensory interests and actions) may be helpful for these children. 


Children and young people who are Autistic can find it difficult to cope with change or new experiences. This may be because they struggle to understand the world around them, and what is expected of them in new situations. You can help by: 

  • Introducing routines. This makes the world predictable and reduces anxiety, which in turn can improve mood and behaviour.

  • Visual timelines or timetables that the child can refer to can also be helpful as it makes what is happening clear to the child. 

  • Using social stories to help children and young people to understand the world around them. Social stories describe particular situations, what will happen, and what the child or young person is expected to do. 


Some children and young people who are Autistic learn to speak, and some rely more upon symbols, pictures or signs (Makaton). When children/young people cannot communicate their needs or wishes, or how they feel, they can become frustrated. This, in turn, can lead to low mood, anger, and challenging behaviour. Communication can be improved by: 

  • Making verbal instructions simple and direct.

  • Checking that you have understood a child or young person correctly, by repeating the phrase and seeking confirmation (or disagreement!) from the child or young person. 

  • Supplementing your communication with pictures or visual aids (e.g. PECS or Makaton), to help the child or young person to understand you. Even when young people who are autistic have a good vocabulary, pictures can be reassuring and can reduce stress. 


There is increasing evidence that individuals who are Autistic process sensory information in a different way from people not on the spectrum. Efficient sensory processing is essential to our understanding of the world, and our ability to respond appropriately. 

  • Sometimes, difficult behaviour can be partly due to a child’s inability to ‘sort out’ the sensory input that they receive. 

  • Observe your child’s behaviour, and think about whether your child is seeking or avoiding a sensory experience. 

  • Allow space from environments that create sensory overload. For example, using ear defenders in noisy environments can be helpful. 

  • Children who find it hard to control their level of excitement or ‘arousal’ can benefit from massage or heavy muscle activities (‘deep pressure’), as these activities can be calming. 


Further support, advice and self-help


The National Autistic Society offers further information on What is Autism


The Royal College of Psychiatry information on Autism.

The National Autistic Society provides information and support for people on the spectrum and their families and for professionals. They are a very active organisation and offer some really useful information about strategies and approaches for supporting people who are Autistic

The British Institute of Learning Disabilities also have some useful information and further advice about a variety of common issues. 

Local Offer is a Derbyshire-specific site which allows you to search for lots of different services, including parenting support groups, in the local area.